Jay Allan

 Jay Allan 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jay Allan are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Emperor's Fist, Blood on the Stars Collection 1, Attack Plan Alpha (Blood on the Stars Book 16), BOB's Bar (Tales From The Multiverse Book 2), The Others, Nightfall, Empire's Ashes (Blood on the Stars Book 15), Wings of Pegasus, Crusade of Vengeance, The Last Stand, Blackhawk: Far Stars Legends I, Call to Arms: Blood on the Stars II, Cauldron of Fire (Blood on the Stars Book 5), Revenge of the Ancients: Crimson Worlds Refugees III, Crimson Worlds Successors: The Complete Trilogy, The Grand Alliance, Portal Wars 1: Gehenna Dawn, MERCS: Crimson Worlds Successors, Crimson Worlds: 08 - Even Legends Die, Winds of Vengeance, Invasion (Blood on the Stars Book 9), A Little Rebellion (Crimson Worlds III), Marines, Black Dawn (Blood on the Stars Book 8), Shadow of Empire, Galactic Frontiers: A Collection of Space Opera and Military Science Fiction Stories, Winds of Vengeance (Crimson Worlds Refugees Book 4), Dauntless (Blood on the Stars Book 6), Portal Wars: The Trilogy, Marines cw-1, The Cost of Victory, Marines (Crimson Worlds), The Ten Thousand: Portal Wars II, The White Fleet (Blood on the Stars Book 7), Crimson Worlds Collection III, The Black Flag (Crimson Worlds Successors Book 3), Tombstone, Gehenna Dawn, A Little Rebellion (Crimson Worlds), Ruins of Empire: Blood on the Stars III, Dauntless, Shadows of the Gods: Crimson Worlds Refugees II, The Dragon's Banner, Echoes of Glory (Blood on the Stars Book 4), Crimson Worlds: 04 - The First Imperium, The Prisoner of Eldaron: Crimson Worlds Successors II, The Cost of Victory (Crimson Worlds), Duel in the Dark: Blood on the Stars I, Into the Darkness: Crimson Worlds Refugees I, Crimson Worlds Refugees: The First Trilogy, The Cost of Victory cw-2, Stars & Empire 2: 10 More Galactic Tales (Stars & Empire Box Set Collection), Flames of Rebellion, Stars & Empire: 10 Galactic Tales, The First Imperium cw-4, Crimson Worlds: 07 - The Shadow Legions, Storm of Vengeance, Crimson Worlds Collection I, Rebellion's Fury, Homefront: Portal Wars III, Tombstone (crimson worlds), Crimson Worlds: Prequel - Bitter Glory, Crimson Worlds: Prequel - The Gates of Hell, The Fall: Crimson Worlds IX, Crimson Worlds: War Stories: 3 Crimson Worlds Prequel Novellas, Enemy in the Dark, Crimson Worlds Collection II, which was published in 2022.